![]() | KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES 18, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, SHAHEED JEET SINGH MARG, Tel::26965168, Fax No.26514179, Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in | ![]() |

F.110353/22/2011/KVS (Acad.)/BS&G Dated : 18 – 11 - 2011
To E-mail/ Speed Post
The Deputy Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
All Regional Offices.
Sub:- Application of eligible KVS BS&G Pre-ALTs to attend 73rd Course for Assistant Leader Trainer (Scout Wing)/ 48th Course for Assistant leader Trainers ( Guide Wing) from 05th to 11th January, 2011 at NTC Pachmarhi or next course.
On the subject cited above, I am to inform you that the National Training Centre. BS&G Pachmarhi is conducting the Assistant Leader Trainer Course S/G for Pre-ALTs. The KVS teachers those are contributing regularly in the KVS BS&G movement, running Modal Unit in respective KV, giving guidance to other Unit Leaders formally and informally and fulfilling the eligibly candidates mentioned in the relevant circular of BS&G No. 29/ 3756-59/2011 dated 12-10-2011 or 32/3871-74/2011 dated 19-10-2011 (which is available at: http://bsgindia.org/cir with application form for the same) may apply through proper channel.
You are requested to identify and select the eligible candidate of your Region and please direct to the principal/ Group Leader to forward his/ her application at the earliest possible.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Yours faithfully
( Dr. B. ISLAM )
KVS HQ, New Delhi
Copy to:-
1. The Dy. Director (S/G) L.T. Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Training Centre, Pachmarhi – 461 881 (M.P.) for information.
2. The Principal KV, Bairagarh (Bhopal M.P.) with the request to handover a copy of this letter to Ms. Shilpi Sharma, STC (Guide) and PGT (Bio) of your Vidyalaya for necessary action as required.
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