F.110353/25/2011/KVS (Acad.)/BS&G Dated 25 – 05 - 2011
The Assistant Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
All Regions.
Sub.: 105th Re-orientation Course for Trainers (Scout / Guide Wing).
With reference to NTC BS&G Circular No. 57/ 4611-15/ 2011 dated 07- 03 – 2011, I am to inform your that the 105th Re-orientation Course for Scout / Guide Wing is scheduled to be held from 28 - 06 -2011 to 02 - 07 – 2011 for five days at NTC Pachmarhi for ALTs / LTs who are due for Re-orientation and are eligible to attend the course. A copy of the prescribed Performa for the same is attached herewith.
The applicants should send the Performa, after filling it in all respect to undersigned for necessary action at this office and a advance copy to the Dy. Director Scouts (Leader Training) Pachmarhi for information latest by 27-05-2011 by e-mail in attached file.
You are requested to identify and select the eligible and willing candidates of your Region (if any ) and provided the Performa to them with the direction as above. The Selected ALT/LT should be physically fit and able to perform the activities of the camps. For any assistance / quarry in this regard, the undersigned is available on mobile: 09810224080 also.
Anticipating your support in this regard immediately.
Yours faithfully
( Dr. B. ISLAM )
Attached to KVS HQ, New Delhi
E-mail: doctorislam@gmail.com