Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Great man with great thought.


"Let us not fight. Let us bring this message of TWO (True World Order): world brotherhood, unity in diversity. We should allow everyone to develop their religion, their language, their culture, their way of life. There is nothing to condemn. We can have beauty by having all these things. There is a beauty in different languages. It is not possible to have one language, one religion, one faith, or one philosophy, to suit all human levels. There will always be different languages. Different religions will be there, different colours will be there, different customs, different philosophies, different thinking. Let them all have what they want. If we can live peacefully, respecting others' wishes, others' religions and others' philosophies, and yet sticking to our own philosophy, our own religion, our own faith, our own way of life, this is beauty. This is called unity in diversity." Swami Vishnudevananda


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