Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Team of Medico-Fitness exercises in World Unani Day celebration on 12-02-2024 at Rajendra Bhawan New Delhi

Director Institute of DrBIK Yoga and Clinic of AYUSH Paramedics New Delhi Dr. B. Islam and Yoga Expert Kausar ji attended World Unani Day celebration at Rajendra Bhawan, ITO New Delhi to pay homage to revered Unani Hakeem Ajmal Khan.
You will be happy to know that every year the world Unani Day is being celebrated in memory of Hakeem Ajmal Khan's contribution in the Medical Science. At this occasion Dr. Islam and Ms. Kausar ji discussed a lot with senior Unani system of medicine, regarding incorporation of medico-fitness exercises in Day to Day prescription of Unani medicine as paramedical Psychophysiotheray for Fitnes boosting and for stress management, B.P., Heat problems, Obesity, balancing of Body posture, backache, cervical, insomnia, abdominal disorder, PCOD etc.
The participating physicians assured that they will connect with the Institute of DrBIK Yoga and Clinic of AYUSH Paramedics New Delhi ( www.DrBIK.com ) for conduction of awareness among doctors and patients.

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