This blog started experimentally for the benefit of the lovers of Fitness Science. We will try our best to publish Resource Materials and display the reports and action photographs of Yoga Scientist Dr. Badrul Islam Kairanvi and his team. Dr. B. Islam was a former Training Commissioner in KVS BSG under Ministry of hRD Govt. of India New Delhi.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Pioneering and Estimation Course and Mr. J. P. Pathak
Pioneering and Estimation Course
It is matter of great pleasure that one of KVS BS&G Unit
Leader Mr. J. P. Pathak, TGT (Hindi) Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ara, Patna
successfully attended Pioneering and Estimation Course at NYC Gadpuri from 19th
November to 23rd Nov 2012 .This course was very much beneficial for
him to train KVS Scouts and Guides and other. Congratulation.
Weldon Mr. J. P. Pathak, KVS is on the TOP.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
33rd Course for Leader Trainers (Guide Wing) – 05th to 11th February 2013.
PACHMARHI { M.P. } – 461881.
Ph. No. 07578—252026 (O), Fax No. 07578 - 252541.
E-Mail bsgntc@sancharnet.in
All the State Secretaries,
Bharat Scouts & Guides
Indian Union
Sub: 33rd Course for Leader Trainers (Guide Wing) – 05th to 11th February 2013.
We are pleased to inform you that according to the Schedule of Event of the National Headquarters, Bharat Scouts & Guides, the Leader Trainers (G.W.) Course will be held at NTC, Pachmarhi, M.P. as per details given below.
Name of the Course
33rd Leader Trainers Course (Guide Wing)
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05.02.2013 to 11.02.2013 (Seven Days).
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The Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Training Centre, Pachmarhi, MP-461881
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04.02.2013 Evening or on 05.02.2013 before 08.00 A.M.
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11.02.2013 After 04.00 P.M. (Accordingly return journey reservation may be done)
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Camp Fee
Dev. Fee Rs. 100/-, Special Fee Rs. 50/- = Total Rs. 150/-.
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Financial Assistance
Free hospitality will be provided during the course. 50% Concessional (2nd Sleeper) Train fare and actual Bus fare (where there is no train service) will be reimbursed on production of Bus tickets in original & Photocopies of Train tickets. Please bring photocopies of train tickets while coming.
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Who can Attend
ALTs (Bulbul / Guide / Ranger) who have completed at least one year after receiving the Hon’ble Charge as ALT, assisted in one HWB course of their concerned section & conducted 2 Basic / Advanced Courses as LOC or one each.
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What to Bring
Usual camp kit : Chart Paper, Marker/Sketch pen, knotting rope, personal medicines, bedding, torch, Mosquito repellent etc.
2 Sets of Uniform as per APRO III. Please bring warm cloths as the climate at Pachmarhi in February will be cold.
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What to Prepare
1. Should come prepared atleast 50 Questions and Answers each from Scouting for Boys & WAGGGS. 50 B.P.Sayings and submit in presentable manner at the time of Registration.
2. During the course, Quiz Programme will be conducted and assessed.
3. Candidates are to be guided to come prepared for session on topic from the portion given for Himalaya Wood Badge Course for Unit Leaders (particular section) given in Scheme of Training (G) (One topic of their choice and the second one allotted by LOC).
4. Candidates are to come prepared with materials to organise a game suitable for training / testing of Adult Leaders.
A specimen copy of application is enclosed. Duly recommended application should reach NTC on or before 31st December 2012. LATE COMERS WILL NOT BE ADMITTED. The State Training Commissioner’s are requested to ensure that application form along with all documents should reach to NTC well in time. No participants should start to National Training Centre, Pachmarhi without receiving the “FINAL INFORMATION LETTER” issued from NTC, Pachmarhi to the individual. Participants bringing application by hand will not be admitted. Only the new applications are accepted
Your wholehearted co-operation is solicited.
With Guide greeting,
Yours in Guiding,
( M.N. Machamma )
For Dy. Director (G) L.T.
Encl. : 1. Application Form.
2. Progress Report of the Unit.
3. Unit Running Certificate.
Copy to :
1. All the NHQ Office Bearers.
2. All the Asst. Directors.
3. The Public Relation Officer.
4. All the State Training Commissioners (G).
Note : 1. Only BSNL mobile network is working in Pachmarhi.
2. No Courier services are there in Pachmarhi, only Speed Post.
PACHMARHI { M.P. } – 461881.
Ph. No. 07578—252026 (O), Fax No. 07578 - 252541.
E-Mail bsgntc@sancharnet.in
Monday, November 26, 2012
We are recognized in the world by our selfless services.
It is excellent. We are recognized in the world by our selfless services.
Sms Azmi likes Hemendra Kumar Morya's album Untitled Album.
Educational Tour - A Example.
We may get idea from the work of National Training Center and can implement it in our Units by arranging educational tour of our Scouts and Guides. Photographs may be shered through e-mail or FACEBOOK.
Participants visited Mapping Dept. of Army Education Centre, Pachmarhi —MAPPING COURSE (20 photos)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
सचचे सपूत ढ़ालने वाले
Dated: 25-11-2012
The Unit Leaders and Trainers
Sub:- देश को सचचे सपूत देने में आप का योगदान बहुमूल्य हे।
Mass Awareness- Publicity &
Visibility of your Contribution in KVS BS&G ब्लॉग्स्पॉट.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
आज जबकि आप का
दोर हे ओर आप की आवाज़ Trainers के माधयम से बहुत ऊपर तक सुनी जाती हे, state
आप का खयाल रखना चाहती हे, तब ही तो सभी Levels
पर Recognition ओर Uniform Allowance इस साल से बढ़ा हुआ रहन दिया हे
यह यूनही नही, बल्कि आप की ही कुर्बानी, contribution
and dedication से आज KVS का नाम भारत की No॰ 1 States
मे लिया जाता हे, फिर भी Reports भेजने में हिचक क्यों? Social Media से ये दूरी क्यों? क्यों KVS की इतनी कम
Reports मुझे ओर Society को मिलती हें ? Please कुछ हल करो.
में आप की एसी ताजा Reports
का wait करता हुं, जिस के साथ Published न्यूज़ Paper Cutting or Action Photographs हों ताकि उन को www.kvsbsg.blogspot.com पर देख कर, KVS समाज ओर देश, आप के contribution के बारे मेँ जाने , आप की करतवय प्रयनता ओर योगदान को समझे, यह माने कि देश को सचचे सपूत देने में आप का योगदान बहुमूल्य हे तथा अनुसरणईये हे, कुछ लोग आप के काम से सीख ले कर आप के नक्शेकदम (Footprint) पर भी चल निकल सकते हे.
आप के Reports
भेजने से ओर उन Reports के www.kvsbsg.blogspot.com छपने से मुझे आशा हे आप KVS स्काउट क्रान्ति के प्रचार,
प्रसारण और दृश्यता तथा जागरूकता
में अग्रणीय भागीदार
ब्नेगे, कल के
भारत के होनहार सपूत, आप Prepare कर
रहे हे, यह जान कर लोग आप को दुआ देंगे, ओर मुझे आप का साथी होने पर ओर भी ज्यादा ग्र्व होगा, जय हिन्द।
Yours faithfully
I have 5,000 friends on FACEBOOK.
Please send report and photographs
डा. बदरूल इस्लाम
(Dr. B. ISLAM)
The Bharat Scout and Guide
New Delhi &
Yoga Teacher Kendriya Vidyalaya
Andrews Ganj, New Delhi - 110024
e-mail: doctorislam@gmail.com
M: 9810224080
(Dr. B. ISLAM)
The Bharat Scout and Guide
New Delhi &
Yoga Teacher Kendriya Vidyalaya
Andrews Ganj, New Delhi - 110024
e-mail: doctorislam@gmail.com
M: 9810224080
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