<><> kond`Iya ivaValaya saMgazna (mau#yaalya) भारत स्काउट गाइड 18, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, 18 saMsqaagat xao~ SahId jaItisaMh maaga-,na[- idllaI. SHAHEED JEET SINGH MARG, NEW DELHI - 110 016 Tel::26965168, Fax No.26514179, Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in |
F.110353/04/ 2011-KVS (Acad.)/BS&G Dated: 15 -02-2012
To e-mail/Speed Post
The Dy. Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices.
Sub:- Celebration of Thinking Day on 22nd February 2012.
Ref:- KVS HQ Letter No. F.11021/1/2011-KVS/ Admn. II/ 423 dated 25-07-2011.
Madam/ Sir,
Please refer Page No. 35 Item No.9 of above mentioned letter of this office, vide which all KVs have to Celebrate the Days as per schedule, in order to understand the occasion and propagate the message of the day for required impact.
You are requested to direct all KVs under your jurisdiction to celebrate “Thinking Day” on 22-02-2012 in befitting manner and send a copy of the report with photographs to the Editor, Official Monthly Organ of the Bharat Scouts & Guides (Mahatma Gandhi Marg I.P. Estate, New Delhi – 110002) by e-mail (in attached file). A copy of this report is to be forwarded to the local media, KVS HQ, District Commissioner concerned, and other officials of KVS BS&G for information and recognition of the contribution.
Yours faithfully
(Dr. B. ISLAM)
SOC and STC (Scout) KVS BS&G
KVS HQ, New Delhi
E-mail: doctorislam@gmail.com
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