This blog started experimentally for the benefit of the lovers of Fitness Science. We will try our best to publish Resource Materials and display the reports and action photographs of Yoga Scientist Dr. Badrul Islam Kairanvi and his team. Dr. B. Islam was a former Training Commissioner in KVS BSG under Ministry of hRD Govt. of India New Delhi.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Deputation of participants to attend Assistant Leader Trainer (Guide) Course.
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES 18, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, Tel::26965168, Fax No.26514179, Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in |
F.110353/22/ 2009-KVS (Acad.)/BS&G Dated 08-06-2011
The Assistant Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
Bangalore / Chennai.
Sub:- Deputation of participants to attend Assistant Leader Trainer (Guide) Course
Sir/ Madam,
In continuation to this office letter of even number dated 09-03-201/ 15-04-2011/ ,As per the approval of the competent authority, the following officials of KVS BS&G are hereby deputed to Participate in ALT (G) Course. The detail is as under:-
No. | Name of the Official | Region | Name of the Event, Dates and Venue |
1 | Mrs. Syeda Azeeza Mehar, TGT, KV MEG & Cente, Bangalore. | Bangalore | 47th ALT (G) Course from 16-06-11to 22-06-11 at NTC, Bharat Scouts & Guides, Pachmarhi, M.P. |
2 | Ms. Cadambi Srinath Geetha, KV Lelahanka, Karnataka. 560064 | ||
3 | Mrs. R. Rajammal, PRT& Pre ALT, Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 AFS, Tambram Chennai- 73. | Chennai | |
4 | Mrs. Rekha Chakravarthy, TGT (Hindi) KV HVF, Avadi, Chennai 600054 |
You are requested to direct the participant of your region to report in the above mentioned course accordingly.
Yours faithfully
( Dr. B. ISLAM )
KVS HQ, New Delhi
E-mail: doctorislam@gmail.com
Copy to :-
Ms. M. N. Machamma, Asst. Director (G) , Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Training Centre, Pachmarhi for information with reference to her letter No. 836/ 2011 dated 27-05-2011.
Clarification regarding Honourarium to Officials conducting Basic, Advanced and HWB Training Courses of KVS BS&G as LOC(Course Director) and Resource
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES 18, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, Tel::26965168, Fax No.26514179, Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in |
F.110353/11/2011/KVS (Acad.)/BS&G Dated 01 – 06 - 2011
Speed Post
The Assistant Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
Guwahati Region.
Sub.:- Clarification regarding Honourarium to Officials conducting Basic, Advanced and HWB Training Courses of KVS BS&G as LOC(Course Director) and Resource Person-Staff.
With reference to your office letter No. F. 150353-2/ 2011-KVS (BBBSR)/ BS&G (Trg. Prog.)/ 18534 dated 27-04-2011, on subject cited above, I am to remind that vide the Annual Meeting of KVS State Association of BS&G held on 16-07-2008 at the KVS HQ New Delhi, Item No.4 Point No. 3, the honorarium will be given as under:-
“It was decided that the Honourarium given to the LOCs and Assisting Staff for conducting the Adult Leaders Training Courses will now be @ 2000/- to LOCs and Rs. 1500/- to the Assisting Staff.”
In this regard there is no further amendment since 2008 till date and the above mentioned decision was communicated to all ROs vide KVS HQ letter F. 110253/ 11/ 2008-KVS (Acad.)/ BS&G dated 02-09-2008.
This issued with the approval of the competent authority.
Yours faithfully
( Dr. B. ISLAM )
E-mail: doctorislam@gmail.com
Copy to :-
- The Assistant Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, All Regional Office for information.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The Names of the KVS BS&G PMSC participants in English language for preparation of their certificates of participation - 2009-10.
F.110353/05/2009-KVS (Acad.)/BS&G Dated 01-06-2011
Sub:- The Names of the KVS BS&G PMSC participants in English language for preparation of their certificates of participation - 2009-10.
Sir/ Madam,
With reference to NHQ BS&G letter Ref. No. BSG/NHQ/ JDG/601/ 2011-12 dated 31-05-2011, on subject cited above, it is my pleasure to inform that the following unit of your region selected by the National Headquarters of BS&G for issuance of certificate to each participant, however some formalities still remain:-
No | Region | Kendriya Vidyalaya | Section | I/C (SM/GC) |
1 | Bangalore | Kalpana Chawla Guide Company, KV, NO.1 Mangalor | Guide | Ms H.P Ahalya Devi Pre- ALT(G) |
The List of the participants was submitted with the Log-Book in Hind, but as per the above referred letter it is also required in English.
In this regard you are requested to direct Principal concerned to send the list of the participants with Father’s Name (all in English) from his office record.
Kindly treat this letter as most urgent.
( Dr. B. ISLAM )
E-mail: doctorislam@gmail.com